Friday, September 19

New Job

I am going back to home!!

My husbands job is in the construction business on 100% commission. Sales have been very low lately and our budget is not being met. I have struggled for a few days now with what to do, and have decided to work at home. I feel my God given job is at home. With my husband consistently sick, it just makes sense to work from home so that I am available at any moment. And the great thing is, if my husband does go to the ER, I have his laptop to use for work.

So, what is this new job I am going to do??????


I have sold on Ebay for about 5 years now as a very part time business. I usually make about $100 a month to support my fabric+yarn+book addiction. This was a great way for me to have spending money without digging into the family budget.

Now that our budget needs the money, I am going to use Ebay as a real job. I have worked out a schedule to work around homeschool, housework, Wednesday Church, and my sons football schedule.

The goal is to work 4 to 5 hours per day Monday - Saturday.

6:30am - 8:30am (before my son gets up in the morning)
2:00pm - 4:00pm (after homeschool & son can read and play quietly)
7:00pm - 8:00pm (after dinner & dishes - my husband and son can have some quality time together)

I will work more if I have the energy and time in my schedule. I am scheduled for 25 to 30 hours a week. Sunday is my day off.

So, wish me luck!!

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