Friday, January 1

New Years Goals

As I sit here on the first day of a new year, I am thinking of new years goals.

I don't make resolutions, I make goals. If I set them as a goal they seem to be easier to accomplish. What are my goals for 2010?

1. Read the Bible more....I start out 'gung ho' every year to read it the whole way through, and then get disappointed when I don't actually do it. This year I'm going to just read it, and learn. I'm not going to try to suck it all in in such a short time. The Bible is huge! I would rather read it slowly and let it work around in my mind so I can better understand it.

2. Declutter my house.....This is a big one! I have been 'collecting" things for years, and now these things are taking over. I need to get control and throw things out, sell them, or give them away. If I haven't used it in a year, I obviously don't need it!

3. Keep the weight off....I lost 17 pounds last year (my 2009 goal) and I would like to keep it off this year! I'm going to start exercising more. That's the plan anyway!

4. Work on marriage....This year my husband and I will be married 10 years. And although we are still together and happy, there is always room for improvement. There is always something I can do to keep him happy and improve things. I just need to start doing more of those things!

5. Be more creative.....I love to create. I love to sew and make things , but I let other things get in the way. My goal is to set some time aside every week to be creative. It makes me happy, and I can always use some more happy!!

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