Monday, October 27

Good Monday Mornin' To Ya!

What a glorious Fall day it is in North Florida! We had rain for most of last week, so I am glad to see the sun is shining brightly!

Lately the Lord has been leading more and more towards him. After a car accident that totals your car, you tend to think of life a little differently. As I have been moving toward him, I have also been weeding out the negative and non Christian things in my life.

One of those being TV. No...I am not saying that watching TV isn't Christian. I am saying that the majority of shows on TV are not! I have chosen to stop watching shows that have less than Christian values. I have also limited my TV to the evening only. So from 8 - 10 I will only watch shows that I have Tivo'd. This helps me from sifting through the channels and being tempted to watch something I shouldn't. All I do is set the Tivo to record the shows during the week that I want, and no temptation! I am also getting so much more housework accomplished!

Well, that is all the time I have for Today. I will write more Tuesday.

Have a blessed day!

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